Api Class

The Api class is a class that is used to simplify interaction with the matrix-nio library that Simple-Matrix-Bot-Lib is built upon. The source is located at simplematrixbotlib/api.py

Accessing an Api instance

An instance of the Api class is automatically created when an instance of the Bot class is created. An example is shown in the following python code.

bot = botlib.Bot(creds)
bot.api #Instance of the Api class

Using the send_text_message method

The send_text_message method of the Api class can be used to send text messages in Matrix rooms. An example is shown in the following python code.

async def example(room, message):
    match = botlib.MessageMatch(room, message, bot)
    example_message = "Hello World"
    if match.is_not_from_this_bot():
        await bot.api.send_text_message(

The first two arguments are required. The room_id argument is the id of the destination room. The message argument is the string that is to be sent as a message. The msgtype argument can be "m.text" (default) or "m.notice".

Using the send_image_message method

The send_image_message method of the Api class can be used to send image messages in Matrix rooms. An example is shown in the following python code.

async def example(room, message):
    match = botlib.MessageMatch(room, message, bot)
    if match.is_not_from_this_bot():
        await bot.api.send_image_message(

Both arguments are required. The room_id argument is the id of the destination room. The image_filepath argument is a string that is the path to the image file that is to be sent as a message.

Using the send_markdown_message method

The send_markdown_message method of the Api class can be used to send markdown messages in Matrix rooms. An example is shown in the following python code.

async def example(room, message):
    match = botlib.MessageMatch(room, message, bot)
    example_markdown = "# Hello World from [simplematrixbotlib](https://codeberg.org/imbev/simplematrixbotlib)!"
    if match.is_not_from_this_bot():
        await bot.api.send_markdown_message(

The first two arguments are required. The room_id argument is the id of the destination room. The message argument is the string with markdown syntax that is to be sent as a message. The msgtype argument can be "m.text" (default) or "m.notice".