
The simplematrixbotlib package can be installed from pypi or from the git repository.

Installing from PyPi

Run the following command in your terminal or cmd prompt to install simplematrixbotlib from pypi

python -m pip install simplematrixbotlib

See Encryption to lean how to install E2E encryption support.

Installing from Git Repo

Run the following command in your terminal or cmd prompt to download the repository to your machine.

git clone --branch master

The package is located under (current directory)/simple-matrix-bot-lib as simplematrixbotlib.

How to import simplematrixbotlib

Importing the simplematrixbotlib package is done with the following python code.

import simplematrixbotlib as botlib

Referring to the package as "botlib" is optional, however this is how the simplematrixbotlib will be referred to throughout this manual and the rest of the documentation.